Di Jiang/ç‹„ å¼·
Di Jiang/ç‹„ å¼·
Di Jiang/ç‹„ å¼·
Diaz applied the following methodologies in his research papers: ordinary least squares regression, fixed and random effects models, Chow structural break test; Granger causality test, autoregressive integrated moving average models; univariate and multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity models; fractional integration models; Brock, Dechert & Scheinkman test; correlation dimension analysis; reschaled range analysis/Hurst exponent; Lyapunov exponent; grey relational analysis; artificial neural networks; and non-parametric survival models. His research interests are in modeling financial and economic time-series and panel data, particularly using non-linear methods.
Diaz utilized the following software in running the models: Microsoft Excel, Eviews, OxMetrics, Neural Networks, Stata, and Chaos Data Analyzer.
Book Publications
Note: offers a comprehensive introduction to the latest generation of collective investments in relation to debt securities called exchange-traded notes (ETNs); and aims to show how ETNs are introduced to finance, how are they constructed, how they work, and how they track different asset classes
Note: (in progress) will provide examples of applications of several econometric methodologies in relation to return and volatility spillovers, constant and dynamic volatility movements, and nonlinear properties of financial time-series data
Journal Publications
for details of Diaz's published manuscripts, email him using the CONTACT's tab
46) Diaz, J.F. and T.T. Nguyen (2020) Grey Relational Grades and Neural Networks: Empirical Evidence on Vice Funds. Ethique et Economique/Ethics and Economics. 17(1), 76-95. (Indexed: Econlit)
45) Diaz, J.F. and J.H. Chen (2020) Application of Grey Relational Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks on Currency Exchange-traded Notes. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 24(2). (Indexed: ABS Tier 2, SSCI, Scopus)
44) Tan, G.L. and J.F. Diaz (2020) Real GDP growth rates of the ASEAN region: Evidence of spillovers and asymmetric volatility effects. Labuan Bulletin of International Business and Finance. Conditionally accepted. (Indexed: Econlit)
43) Chen, J.H. and J.F. Diaz (2019) The Spillover and Leverage Effects of Equity Exchange-traded Notes (ETNs). Global Economy Journal, 19(3). (Indexed: ABS Tier 1, Scopus)
42) Pandey, R. and J.F. Diaz (2019) Factors Affecting Return on Assets of U.S. Publicly-listed Technology and Financial Corporations. Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship.
41) Matero, M.J., C. Matero, and J.F. Diaz (2019) Corruption, Negligence, and Mismanagement at the Dutch East India Company. Moral Cents: Financial Ethics Journal. 8(2), 55-61.
40) Nguyen, Q.T., J.F. Diaz, J.H. Chen and M.Y. Lee (2019) Fractional Integration in Corporate Social Responsibility Indices: A FIGARCH and HYGARCH Approach. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 9(7), 836-850. (Indexed: Scopus)
39) Diaz, J.F. (2019) Best World Resources Stock Scandal of 1999 and enactment of the Philippine Securities Regulation Code of 2000. The Moral Cents: Financial Ethics Journal. 8(1), 1-7.
38) Diaz, J.F. and D.T. Kien (2019) Tourism Finance: Investing and Financing in Sustainable Tourism. Journal of Economy and Business, 6(1), 1-7.
37) Liu, L.L., and J.F. Diaz (2018) Influence of Investor Sentiment, Characteristics, and Information Sequence on Stock Investment Decision: Evidence from the Taiwanese Market. Labuan Bulletin of International Business and Finance. 16(1), 25-35. (Indexed: Econlit)
36) Diaz, J.F. (2018) Volatility Dynamics in the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement. Journal of Emerging Market Finance. 17(3), 287-306. (Indexed: ABS Tier 2, Econlit, Scopus, Emerging Sources CI)
35) Diaz, J.F., P.Y. Qian, and G.L. Tan (2018) Variance Persistence in the Greater China Region: A Multivariate GARCH Approach. The Lahore Journal of Economics, 23(2), 49–68.
34) Diaz, J.F. (2018) Finance Ethics with a Massive Open Online Course. Finance and Common Good / Bien Commun, 44&45, 167-182.
33) Chang, K.H., M.N. Young, and J.F. Diaz (2018) Portfolio Optimization Utilizing the Framework of Behavioral Portfolio Theory. International Journal of Operation Research, 1-14.
32) Liu, L.L., C.Y. Lin, J.F. Diaz, and F.H. Fan (2018) Factors affecting budget preparation and flexibility: Evidence from Taiwanese local government units. Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics, 18(1), 167-175. (Indexed: Econlit)
31) Diaz, J.F. and J.H. Chen (2017) Testing for Long-Memory and Chaos in the Returns of Currency Exchange-Traded Notes (ETNs). Journal of Applied Finance and Banking, 7(4), 15-37.
30) Diaz, J.F. and M.C. Hindro (2017) Factors Affecting the Profitability of Indonesian Real Estate Publicly-listed Companies. Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, 9(1). (Indexed: Econlit)
29) Tong, T.T. and J.F. Diaz (2017) Determinants of Banks’ Capital Structure: Evidence from Vietnamese Commercial Banks. Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, 9(1). (Indexed: Econlit)
28) Peh, Y.Q. and J.F. Diaz (2017) Volatility integration of global stock market with the Malaysian stock markets: A multivariate GARCH approach. Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, 54(1). (Indexed: Econlit, Scopus, Emerging Sources CI)
27) Masa, A.S. and J.F. Diaz (2017) Long-memory Modeling and Forecasting of the Returns and Volatility of Exchange-traded Notes. Journal of Applied Economic Research. 11(1), 23-53. (Indexed: Econlit, Scopus)
26) Chen, J.H. and J.F. Diaz (2016) Volatility Dynamics in the Returns of Commodity Exchange-traded Notes (ETNs). Journal of Futures and Options, 9(2), 93-136. (Indexed: Taiwan SSCI)
25) Diaz, J.F. (2016) On the Predictability and Resilience of Gold Price's Returns and Volatility. Journal of Applied Finance and Banking, 6(6), 23-32. (Indexed: Econlit)
24) Nguyen, H.T. and J.F. Diaz (2016) Existence of Positive Dependence, Asymmetry and Leverage Effects in Real Estate Exchange-traded Funds (ETFs). International Research Journal of Commerce and Management (New name: Review of International Business and Strategy). 7(3), 61-71. (Indexed: ABS Tier 1, Econlit, Scopus, Emerging Source CI)
23) Liu, Y.L., L.L. Liu and J.F. Diaz (2016) Effect of Managerial Overconfidence and Compensation on Share Repurchase: Empirical Evidence from Taiwanese Firms, 12(1), 153-179. (Indexed: Econlit, Scopus, Emerging Sources CI)
22) Diaz, J.F. (2016) Do Scarce Precious Metals Equate to Safe Harbor Investments: The Case of Platinum and Palladium, Economics Research International, 1-8. (Indexed: Econlit)
21) Diaz, J.F. (2016) Return and volatility performance comparison of Ethical and Non-ethical publicly-listed financial services companies. Ethics and Economics, 13(1), 1-13. (Indexed: Econlit)
20) Chen, J.H. and J.F. Diaz (2015) Positive Dependence and Volatility Asymmetry in the Returns of the Largest Emerging Markets ETFs. International Journal of Management Research, 6(2), 1-11.
19) Diaz, J.F. and H.T. Nguyen (2015) Fractional Integration in the returns of the largest Real Estate Exchange-traded Funds. International Journal of Commerce and Strategy, 7(3), 171-180.
18) Diaz, J.F., G.L. Tan and Y.Q. Peh (2015) Return and Volatility Transmissions in Asia’s Top Emerging Economies. Euro-Asian Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(3), 125-132.
17) Chen, J.H. and J.F. Diaz (2015) Positive Dependence and Asymmetry in the Stock Returns of the Top Emerging Economies. International Research Journal of Marketing and Economics, 2(7), 46-58.
16) Diaz, J.F. (2015) Chaos in Returns and Volatilities of the London Gold Fix. Chaos and Complexity Letters, 9(3), 14-27.
15) Chen, J.H. and J.F. Diaz (2015) Chaotic Properties of the Philippine Stock Exchange Index. International Research Journal of Applied Finance, 6(3), 152-167. Forthcoming. (Indexed: Econlit)
14) Liu, L.L., J.F. Diaz and E. Ivagov (2014) Linkages in Corporate Social responsibility Indices and Major Financial Market Indices. Journal of Advanced Studies in Finance, 2(10), 157-163. (Indexed: Econlit)
13) Chen, J.H. and J.F. Diaz (2014) Study of Macroeconomic and Monetary Factors in Reoccurring Economic Recessions. Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research. 4(4), 263-279 (Indexed: Econlit)
12) Chen, J.H. and J.F. Diaz (2014) The Seasonal and Spillover Effects of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing, 4(9), 1-13. (Indexed: Econlit)
11) Diaz, J.F. and A.S. Masa (2014) Positive dependence and volatility asymmetry properties of the largest exchange-traded notes (ETNs). Euro-Asian Journal of Economics and Finance, 2(2), 100-107.
10) Chen, J.H., Y.F. Wang, C.C. Ko, and J.F. Diaz (2014) The influence of macroeconomic factors and banking fragility on offshore banking unit. Asia Pacific Management Review, 18(4), 407-425. (Indexed: Econlit, Scopus, Taiwan SSCI, Emerging Sources CI)
9) Chen, J.H. and J.F. Diaz (2014) Predictability and Efficiency of the Philippine Stock Exchange Index. Journal of Business and Economics, 5(4), 535-539.
8) Lee, C.W., J.F. Diaz and H.N. Truong (2014) Existence of Persistent Temporal Dependence in Asian Emerging Markets Exchange-traded Funds. International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing, 4(7), 19-35. (Indexed: Econlit)
7) Chen, J.H., J.F. Diaz, and Y.F. Huang (2013) High Technology ETF Forecasting: Application of Grey Relational Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks. Frontiers in Finance and Economics, 10(2), 129-154. (Indexed: Econlit)
6) Chen, J.H., T.T. Chang, C.R. Ho, and J.F. Diaz (2013) Grey Relational Analysis and Neural Network Forecasting of REIT. Quantitative Finance Journal, 14(11), 2033-2044. (Indexed: ABS Tier 3, SSCI, Scopus)
5) Chen, J.H. and J.F. Diaz (2013) Testing for long-memory and shifts in the returns of green and non-green exchange-traded funds. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 2(10), 29-32.
4) Diaz, J.F. (2013) Evidence of Noisy Chaotic Dynamics in the Returns of Four Dow Jones Stock Indices. Annual Review of Chaos Theory, Bifurcations and Dynamical Systems, 4, 1-15.
3) Chen, J.H. and J.F. Diaz (2012) Trade and monetary factors in the reoccurrence of economic expansions in developed nations. International Research Journal of Applied Finance, 3(2), 245-262. (Indexed: Econlit)
2) Chen, J.H. and J.F. Diaz (2012) Spillover and leverage effects of faith-based exchange traded funds. Journal of Business and Policy Research, 7(2), 1-12.
1) Chen, J.H. and J.F. Diaz (2012) Spillover and asymmetric-volatility effects of leveraged and inverse leveraged exchange traded funds. Journal of Business and Policy Research, 7(3), 1-10.
Doctoral Dissertation
Main Title: Four Essays on the Spillover Effects, Volatility Dynamics, Nonlinearities and Forecasting: Evidence from Exchange-traded Notes (ETNs)
1. Spillover and leverage effects of equity exchange-traded notes
2. Volatility dynamics on the returns of commodity exchange-traded notes
3. Long memory and chaos on the returns of currency exchange-traded notes
4. Application of grey relational analysis and artificial neural networks on the returns of currency exchange-traded notes
Working Papers
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? What about Ducks?: Granger Causality using Philippine poultry data – Diaz & Diaz
Structural Breaks and Volatility Transmissions in the Stock Markets of the Greater China Region - Diaz & Chen
Dynamic Volatility Spillovers across the Stock Markets of the Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan - Diaz
Determinants of Acquisition's Profitability: Evidence on Taiwanese Publicly-listed Companies - Diaz & Wang
​Application of Grey Relational Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Indices - Diaz & Lee
G​rey Relational Grades and Neural Networks: Empirical Evidence on Vice Funds - Diaz & Lee
​​Energy Metal Grains futures: Asymmetric Volatility, Leverage Effects and Long-memory Characteristics - Diaz & Goh
Grey Relational Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks: Evidence from Semiconductor and Broad Technology ETFs - Sutanto & Diaz
Nonlinear and Error Minimization Modelling of Internet-, Software-, and Social Media-based Exchange-traded Funds – Diaz & Sutanto
Factors Affecting Cash Holdings in Publicly-listed Firms: Evidence from Taiwan and Vietnam Economies – Balgos & Diaz
Portfolio Optimization Procedure Utilizing Behavioral Portfolio Theory: Evidence from the Exchange-traded Products Market – Young, ChuaHay & Diaz
Housing Price Bubbles in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Taipei: A Comparative Analysis - Chen, Chen & Diaz
An Empirical Study of the Spillover and Leverage Effects of Country-specific Global Equity Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) – Diaz, Thuan & Kien

John Francis T. Diaz, PhD, RFP